A Sprinkle of Sparkle for Holiday Decor - TableLinensforLess

With the holidays in full swing bright, twinkling, sparkly decorations are in their prime. Whether decorating for Christmas or New Years, is there such thing as too much sparkle? For some the answer is a clear no, but for others sparkle overload is real. So, how can you jazz up your holiday decor without leaving guests covered in glitter and blinded by bling at your festive party? Follow these decorating tips to include just the right amount of sparkle and guests will rave about your shining accomplishment.

  • Mix metallics with soft textures to mute the shine. Try a woven wool placemat or velvet table runner paired with metallic vases to balance the shine.

table runner

  • Stick with a darker color scheme to keep decor easy on the eyes. Deep jewel tones like plum, maroon, and olive green incorporate traditional holiday colors without blinding everyone.
  • Use sequins, glitter, or other sparkly materials in only one aspect of decor. Choose either a shimmering tablecloth or sequin-clad napkin rings, but not both.

Round Basic Polyester Tablecloth

  • Look for metallics with less sheen like those with a brushed or hammered finish to add in with other bling.
  • Mix in greenery like leaves and evergreens to mute some of the shine.
  • Use different kinds of sparkle like metallics, sequins, lights, and high gloss finishes so each one won’t feel so overwhelming.
  • Go for a monochromatic look and the shiny elements won’t stand out so much from the rest of the decor.
  • Use mirrors or other reflective surfaces sparingly to highlight glowing elements like candles.

Decorative elements for your holiday party or gathering should include some sparkle and shine to reflect the season. However, you don’t want to overwhelm guests with bling explosion. Look for creative and unique ways to incorporate items with different levels of shine or sheen to create a welcoming, festive atmosphere. Once you’re finished decorating, walk out of the room then come back in with fresh eyes. Are you intrigued and excited or feeling like you just walked into a mob of paparazzi? Adjust decor accordingly until you’ve got just the right mix of sparkle and holiday spirit.